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We at ENON have many ministries, We are confident you will find where you fit!

Sunday School (Discipleship Ministry)

     There are currently two Sunday School classes, both composed of a mixture of men and women. The difference between the classes is the literature used as a basis for the weekly lesson enjoyed on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. The Seniors utilize the Explore the Bible series published by Lifeway and the Friendship class incorporates the series entitled Bible Studies for Life, also from Lifeway.
     Both classes cherish the opportunity to advance their knowledge of the Bible and increase their likeness to Jesus Christ through the discipleship ministry of Sunday School. Many churches have dropped the use of the term “Sunday School” as it implies an old fashioned idea of Christian education. We don’t like the term “old fashioned” either, but we don’t mind the implication of a solid, traditional, Christ centered, Biblically based approach to a closer relationship with God and our brothers and sisters in Christ. 
    In an article by Ken Braddy, writer of the book Breakthrough, he uses the acrostic LIFE to help classes determine their effectiveness in Christian education. L=Learn and obey God’s Word; I=Invite people to become disciples; F=Form deeper relationships; E=Engage in acts of service. He says that these four measurements that build the acrostic LIFE helps to determine not just what happens on Sunday morning but also what happens the rest of the week. “From cradle to grave, the Bible teaches us the way to please God as we love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.” That, too, is the mission of our Sunday School program.


The pastor has a calling.  He is called to shepherd God’s people.  He prepares sermons to feed the flock.  He teaches the truths in the Bible to help guide the flock in God’s paths.  He leads by example. His people are instructed to follow him only insofar as he is following Jesus. He earns the trust of his congregation over the years.  The pastor and the congregation share life together.  Both grow more mature as they serve their Lord together.

When a member faces a big challenge like a death, or divorce, or struggles with addictions or just wants to talk to a friend they can go their pastor.   He is trained to listen and to give sound Christian counsel.  He will not be surprised by your sins.  He has struggled with his own sins and has found God’s forgiveness. He will not pass judgment but will show compassion.  He can offer comfort and help from the scriptures.  He can help those who are seeking God’s will and God’s grace.

The pastor must give an account for every member under his care.  He answers to the Great Shepherd over him.  His report will be given with delight when the church member shines with the light of Christ.  His report will be given with sorrow when the member’s life has no spiritual fruit.  This sacred responsibility is why he takes initiative.  He needs to know his people well.  He deeply cares about each one and their  relationship to God.


Enon’s Music  Department is alive and thriving!  PRACTICE WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 515pm.

We have a Sanctuary Choir which reconvened in March of 2022, following our re-opening from COVID 19.  We are now almost back to the number we had before the pandemic started.   Our church is also very blessed with a number of people…soloists and musicians who provide special music for some of our Sunday morning services.  Our Choir DIrector, Gary Carrell works with and leads the choir and congregational music and Our Pianist and Organist, June Tucker, plays for the choir and most congregational songs.  They share in providing music for preludes, offertories and other special music needs and events.  Enon loves music and try to incorporate as much as possible and time allows.  
We are pretty much traditional with our congregational singing (we sing two hymns during our Sunday morning services), but from time to time we sing some praise choruses as well.  Our special music, provided by the choir and our other singers and musicians covers a wide variety of musical styles and genres.  Generally speaking, there is something for most everyone.
Music is such an integral part of worship; it sets the tone for worship, helps people to praise the Lord in word and song and ministers to hurting hearts who need a healing touch.  At Enon, all of our people recognize the importance of all of that and we do our best to deliver each and every service.


Men Ministry
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Men’s Discovery (Bible Study)

   Enon has a very active men’s ministry group. We generally meet on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at the church. We invite you to join us for coffee and doughnuts and conversation that will, hopefully, lead to a better understanding of a man’s role in advancing God’s Kingdom.
   As a conversation starter, we generally watch a short video from the archives of the Man in Mirror website. Topics range from starting a mentoring program for younger men to studying the roles of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But however, the conversation begins it is sure to end with the participants feeling closer to each other and to the Lord they love.
   Additionally, the men also have an informal breakfast gathering at a local restaurant once a week to catch up on what’s going on in their own lives and just enjoy each other’s company. That’s quite a support group for a group that lends its support to many efforts within and throughout the ministries of the church and community. It’s time well spent for all concerned.

Women's Ministry

Women’s Missionary Union is an opportunity to execute mission actions for the community, support missions in the United States and in other countries along with reaching the local community.  WMU, an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention, began 133 years ago in the hearts of visionary leaders to pray and systematically raise money for missions. 
This is a hands-on-ministry for our ladies that learn about missions, pray for missions and do missions.  We work with all age levels doing missions where we find a need. Each Sunday during our Worship Service we promote awareness of our missionaries by sharing about a missionary family or individual and by lifting them in prayer. We share our love for Jesus by reaching out to the community by regularly providing birthday bags and small toys for intercity elementary children in a local mission center, providing school supplies for Christmas in August to teachers affiliated with our church. We collect money for the Blue Ridge Women’s Center to be used for unwed teen mothers, we work with the local day care centers to share God’s love through the Resurrection Egg Story, we collect books for a community in Virginia needing assistance, and we minister to our shut-in and the elderly. These are just a few ways we serve in Jesus’ name.  We meet regularly on the 2nd Sunday of each month and have “called” work sessions to complete projects needed for these ministries.  We encourage every lady to join us.

Small group- we have a group of ladies who gathering the first and third Tuesday of each month at 11:30. We enjoy a potluck luncheon and study a book of the Bible. together.  We enjoy this time of fellowship learning together.  We are currently studying the book of Daniel.  It is a fun time full of lively discussions.  We meet in various homes, come join us!


Edinburgh Square- we have several ladies who go to Edinburgh Square to lead a Bible study with the residents there.  We meet on the third and fourth Tuesday there at 11:00, and we are currently study 1Samuel.  All are welcome to join us!


Enon Ministries 2023

Enon offers many opportunities to worship, study, fellowship, and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship is our first priority.  We gather for Worship on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.  Sunday mornings start with group prayers, then Group Bible Study, then worship.  Wednesday nights start with choir practice, then worship with a fun Bible Study with lots of discussion.

We offer 4 different Small Groups.  A Tuesday Small Group has a potluck and Bible Study in a home.  Women gather monthly for our WMU with mission action projects.  Men gather once a month for fellowship and a discussion group to become better followers of Jesus.   Once a year Enon offers eight  weeks of Discipleship Classes.

The call to follow Christ includes the call to serve.  We make it easy for people to jump in right away with our Five Teams approach:  Worship, Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Ministry.

Enon also partners with area churches through Roanoke Valley Baptist Association.  We also team up with other Christian church in our area to hold Easter Sunrise Services and Thanksgiving Services.

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